Awards have been made for the third Request for Proposals (RFP). An additional 11 sites will continue the statewide buildout of fast charging stations across the commonwealth. A total of 48 charging stations are expected by 2026. Click here to learn more. 

About Kentucky’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program

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Kentucky’s EV Vision

Kentucky’s vision is for a reliable, accessible, convenient, and affordable EV charging network that supports transportation choices, energy diversification, economic development, and environmental sustainability for all Kentuckians.

EV Charging Program

As more Americans and Kentuckians are interested in purchasing EVs, having a reliable network in place to support long-distance travel is key to giving drivers the confidence to roam. Kentucky was allotted nearly $70 million in Federal funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to expand the EV charging network over the next five years.

The creation and update of the EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan are requirements for unlocking funding to build infrastructure along Alternative Fuel Corridors. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and Energy and Environment Cabinet, in partnership with the Public Service Commission and Federal Highway Administration, developed and submitted the first plan in May 2022. It was approved in September of 2022 by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Energy (Joint Office), securing federal funds for five years with the first $25 million available immediately.

The latest plan was submitted August 30, 2024, and approved on November 25, 2024, securing the funding for FY 2025.

Other Initiatives Read the Plan More EV Charging Locations

Electric Vehicles in Kentucky

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the way of the future, and our state is at the center of the revolution. Kentucky will soon be home to several of the largest EV battery manufacturing facilities in the nation. With this investment comes thousands of high-paying jobs, numerous supporting businesses and new business opportunities for Kentuckians.  

Kentuckians are also beginning to purchase EVs. The EV market share of all Kentucky vehicle sales in the first half of 2022 was four times the market share of three years ago. This extraordinary growth is expected to continue, with the EV share of the market predicted to reach 20% by the end of the decade. This means that in less than 10 years, 1 out of every 5 vehicles purchased in Kentucky will be electric.  

What is an electric vehicle?

ev charger
EV WOman

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